Monday, February 2, 2009

Look around!

I am living vicariously through my daughter's experiences in Namibia. One thing it is doing is causing me to once again look around me and give thanks for the innumerable blessings of living in the here and now of where God has placed me. We, those of us living in developed countries, are for the most part incredibly fortunate. Our big worry now is how will the down turn in the economy inconvenience us, and not where will our next meal come from. Hearing that her department only had enough funds for one stapler, when we have three or four lying around the house, is a bit sobering. Why do I get to spend my live in such affluence while so many do not?

1 comment:

GlobalNomad said...

Indeed! I was sharing sis' experience with a friend here who happens to be on the PTA fundraising board. They are putting together a raffle to raise money because the school wants smart boards in classrooms. Nothing really wrong with wanting that until you consider it against a school that wants text books and chairs.