Sunday, January 25, 2009

What me Retire?

Lately I have been giving serious consideration to taking the big plunge into a second semi-retirement -- retiring from the USAF and then becoming a prof was my first semi-retirement.

Oh, I also decided to start using capitalization as appropriate. When I was in the USN we used 100 wpm (words per minute) teletypes which only had capital letters. Not having to worry about capitalization facilitates faster typing, but hey, I will go back to the flow and cap as I go.

Um, back to retiring, I have mixed feelings about such a big step. So, I am hoping the university and I can work out a progressive retirement deal, sort of like a progressive dinner. Progressive in that I envision a gradual shift into retirement; first elimination of ancillary responsibilities, like advising, committees, etc., then a reduced course load.

If it is a go, we will go; go that is back to Texas and begin to seriously do the work needed to build our home on our raw land. Yep, raw land in need of much improvement before a home can be built. Just as we all are "raw land" in need of much improvement. The land will certainly not be completely improved in my life time.

Personally I feel that God is in the business of person improvement until we leave this mortal plane for an immortal multidimensional existence. So, to me moving into semi-retirement is just another step in God's improvement plan for me and maybe, just maybe, I will finally no longer be able to say, "I have never lived longer than 4 years in any one place in my life." That will be nice.


GlobalNomad said...

I'll bring the dessert in this progressive retirement game. Let me know when you start.
Raw land--what happen to buying a house?

Dr. Rick said...

Well maybe a house; who knows? Dessert would be nice.